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This way you can find answers to questions that you may have right now or get some good ideas to put into use. Despite this, still it contains information about virtually everything. However, although you might read manuals and watch tutorial videos, this kind of passive learning is not effective on its own.

Think of it as trying to learn to swim from a book, without ever going in the water. Of course, you do need some theory, and it would be useful to have a personal coach on your side to teach you.

But in order to properly learn something, you need to take the leap, jump in the water and start practicing actively. The best way would be to begin with a real project. Once you have some experience, try to help other beginners, because sometimes they ask interesting questions and lead you to a new path, but also they force you to make it as simple as possible. In my opinion, the best and fastest way is to take the Tekla Campus Education license and go through the Campus videos.

This gives you the first experience and an overview of the Tekla Structure software. After that, I would take Basic Tekla Structures online or live classroom training, where you will learn all the basics that you need for being able to complete your projects.

Then create a real project with Tekla and start practicing as much as possible. Sten Tuudak. Template Editor training topics. Tere tere, see on test…. Low-cost for accredited institutions. Learn more. Learn more about Tekla products Tekla software and Trimble Connect for academic users.

Tekla Structures Structural design engineers, detailers, fabricators, contractors and project managers can create, combine, manage and share accurate models for every project. Tekla Structural Designer Engineers can seamlessly combine design and analysis with just one robust, user-friendly single-model-based process.

Tekla Tedds Engineers can automate civil and structural calculations for speed, accuracy, and peak performance. Trimble Connect Everyone involved in your project can handle truly constructible data with Trimble Connect. Tekla for education news. Objects that do not have valid association get a ghost associativity symbol and a question mark.

When the option is on, associativity symbols are shown. When the option is off, associativity symbols are not shown. Get familiar with the user interface 44 Basic settings in the File menu 4 Set up the workspace Before starting to model, check that your Tekla Structures workspace is set up correctly.

Define the units and decimals you will use. Modify the grid to suit your needs. Create some views page 52 to examine the model from different angles and elevations. Resize the work area to suit your project. Get familiar with the coordinate system page If you are modeling sloped structures, shift the work plane accordingly. The settings are model-specific. Note that these settings do not have any effect on drawings or reports, or on the Inquire and Measure tools.

Modify the units and decimals to suit your needs. The number located to the right of each option indicates the number of decimals. The number of decimals affects the input and storage accuracy. Always use a sufficient number of decimals. Set up the workspace 45 Change units and decimals 3.

The grid is shown on the view plane using dash-and-dot lines. Use grids as an aid in locating objects in a model. You can make grids and grid lines act magnetically so that the objects on the grid lines follow if you move the grid line. Grid origin is the point where the zero points of each coordinate axis intersect 2. Grid line extensions define how far the grid lines extend in each direction 3.

Grid labels are the names of the grid lines shown in views Modular grid You can have more than one grid in a model.

We strongly advise that you create a modular grid, so that you can easily place objects in your model. For example: Set up the workspace 46 Create grids and grid lines Single grid lines You can create single grid lines and attach them to an existing grid. Single grid lines have handles. If the Select grid line selection switch page is active and you select a grid line, the handles appear in magenta.

If you move the handles to make a skewed grid, you can do this only on the local XY plane page 52 of the grid. Create a grid When you create a new model, Tekla Structures automatically creates a grid and a view according to the saved standard properties.

Here we will show how to create grids manually. On the Edit tab, click: Set up the workspace 47 Create grids and grid lines 2. Pick a point to indicate the origin of the grid. The coordinates of the picked point appear in the Grid dialog box as X0, Y0, and Z0. If you do not pick a point, Tekla Structures positions the origin according to the existing values. Enter the x and y coordinates page You can either define the coordinates individually, or you can define several grid lines with equal spacing.

Enter the z coordinates. Enter the grid labels. Modify the other grid properties if needed. If you want objects to follow if you move the grid line, select the Magnetic grid plane check box. To hide the grid labels when you zoom in, use the advanced option.

See also Modify a grid page 48 Change the color settings page 72 Modify a grid Double-click an existing grid to modify it. Ensure that the 2. Double-click a grid line. Modify the grid properties. Set up the workspace Select grid selection switch page is active.

If you have attached additional grid lines to the grid and you want to preserve them, clear the check boxes next to the Coordinate boxes. Otherwise Tekla Structures deletes all single grid lines page 46 attached to the grid. Click Modify to save the changes. See also Change the color settings page 72 Modify a single grid line page 50 Delete a grid When you delete an entire grid, ensure that you do not have any other objects selected.

Otherwise Tekla Structures only deletes the objects, not the grid. Ensure that only the 2. Select the grid. Right-click and select Delete from the pop-up menu. Confirm that you want to delete the grid. Select grid selection switch page is active. See also Deleting a single grid line page 52 Add a single grid line You can add new grid lines either between existing grid lines or between two freely chosen points that you define in the model.

Add a grid line between existing grid lines You can add new grid lines between existing grid lines. Ensure that the Direct modification switch is active. Ensure that the Select grid selection switch page is active.

Select an existing grid to attach the grid line to. Set up the workspace 49 Create grids and grid lines 4. Click the symbol between two existing grid lines or outside the grid. Tekla Structures creates the grid line and gives it a label using the labels of the adjacent grid lines.

Add a grid line between two points You can add new grid lines between two picked points. On the Edit tab, click Grid and select Add grid line. Pick the start point of the grid line. Pick the end point of the grid line.

Modify a single grid line You can move, stretch, shrink, and incline single grid lines. You can also change grid line labels. Modify grid line properties You can edit the properties of a single grid line.

Modify the grid line properties. Select grid line selection switch page is active. Move a grid line Use direct modification to move single grid lines. Select the grid line you want to move. Drag the grid line to a new location. Set up the workspace 50 Create grids and grid lines You can also use the keyboard to enter a numeric location. To start with the negative sign - , use the numeric keypad.

Press Enter to confirm. Stretch, shrink, or incline a grid line Use direct modification to stretch, shrink, or incline single grid lines. Select the grid line. Drag a grid line handle to a new location. Change a grid line label Use the contextual toolbar to change the label of a single grid line.

Ensure that the Select grid line selection switch page is active. Select a grid line. On the contextual toolbar, enter a new label. Turn grid line stretching off If you move the outermost grid lines using the line handles, Tekla Structures stretches or shrinks the perpendicular, crossing grid lines accordingly by default.

You can switch this off temporarily. On the contextual toolbar, click the button. Set up the workspace 51 Turn grid line stretching off Create grids and grid lines Deleting a single grid line You can delete grid lines in two different ways. The easiest way is by using direct modification. Delete a grid line using direct modification Use direct modification to quickly delete single grid lines. Select the grid line you want to delete.

Press Delete. Delete a grid line alternative method This is the alternative way of deleting single grid lines. Ensure that you do not have any other objects selected. If you also have other objects selected, Tekla Structures only deletes the objects, not the grid line.

Confirm that you want to delete the grid line. Each view is represented in its own window within Tekla Structures.

Selecting a part in a view highlights the part in all open views. Points that are located outside the view plane are red. You can move the view plane page 54 like any other object. Set up the workspace 52 Create model views Basic views Basic views are those parallel to the global basic planes xy, xz, and zy. In basic views, two axes always define the view plane and the axes appear in the plane name. The third axis is perpendicular to the view plane.

It does not appear in the plane name. In the basic plane view, the model is shown from the direction of the third axis. When you create basic views, you must define the view plane's distance the view plane coordinate from the global origin in the direction of the third axis. Examples of basic views: Plane 3D view Plane view XY XZ ZY Other views For other view types, you either define the view plane and coordinate by picking points, or the points are defined automatically, depending on the creation method.

Set up the workspace 53 Create model views Move the view plane You can move the view plane like any other object. When you move it, Tekla Structures only uses the vector that is perpendicular to the view plane.

Click the view. Pick the start point of the translation vector, or enter its coordinates. Pick the end point of the translation vector, or enter its coordinates. Click Move to move the view plane. Create views You can create views of parts, components, and the entire model. Create a basic view of the model You can create a basic view along two coordinate axes.

Use this view for the overall viewing of the model. Select a view plane from the Plane list. In the Coordinate box, enter the view level. This value defines the distance from the global origin. Create a view using two points You can create a view using two points you pick: the origin and a point in the horizontal direction. Pick a point to indicate the origin of the view plane. Pick a second point to indicate the direction of the x axis.

The y axis is perpendicular to the view plane on which you picked the first point. Set up the workspace 54 Create model views Create a view using three points You can create a view using three points you pick: the origin, a point in the horizontal direction, and a point in the vertical direction.

Pick a third point to indicate the direction of the y axis. Create a view of the work plane You can create a view of the work plane using the current view properties. Create grid views You can create views along the grid lines you select. Before you start, create a view that contains a grid, and check the grid properties. If the grid properties are incorrect in some way, Tekla Structures may cut the views at the wrong elevations or they may be named incorrectly.

If you change the grid labels or the elevation or grids later on, the views will not be automatically renamed. On the View tab, click 3. Modify the grid view properties if needed.

In the Number of views list, select how many views you want to create. In the View name prefix box, enter a prefix. In the View properties list, define which view properties applied or saved you want to use. The Views dialog box opens. Click the arrow buttons to move views from the Named views list to the Visible views list. The views will not be visible until you move them to the Visible views list.

We use the default settings for the view name prefix and the view properties. After creating the grid views, we move the view named Grid 2 to the Visible views list: Set up the workspace 56 Create model views The grid view is displayed as a plane view in a new window: We can rotate the view to see it in 3D: Set up the workspace 57 Create model views Create a view on a part plane You can create a view on the front, top, back, or bottom plane of a part.

Create a 3D view of a part When you need to see a specific part clearly, create a 3D view of the part. The part is placed in the center of the view. Select the part. Tekla Structures creates the view. The view plane y axis is the global z axis of the model. The x axis is the projection of the part's local x axis onto the global xy plane. Create default part views You can create four basic views of a part: front, top, end and perspective view. Tekla Structures creates these views all at once with the same command.

By default, the perspective view is a 3D view, and the front, top, and end views are plane views. Tekla Structures creates the four default views all at once. Create an undeformed part view You can create a view that shows a deformed part in undeformed form. This only works for beams and columns.

For example, select a warped beam. Tekla Structures displays the beam in a separate view in undeformed form. Create a 3D view of a component When you need to see a specific component clearly, create a 3D view of the component. The component is placed in the center of the view. Select the component. The x axis is the projection of the first secondary part local x axis onto the global xy plane. Work area depth is 1 m in all directions. Create default component views You can create four basic views of a component: front, top, end and perspective view.

Tekla Structures creates these views all at once with the Set up the workspace 59 Create model views same command. On the View tab, click component. Create a surface view Use the CreateSurfaceView macro to create an automatically aligned surface view. This can be useful when modeling bolt groups, stiffener plates, and hole penetrations on complex geometry. Click the arrow next to Applications to open the applications list. Double-click CreateSurfaceView to start the macro. Select the surface of the part.

Tekla Structures creates a new temporary view and moves the work plane typically along the longest edge of the part face.

You can model in the Set up the workspace 60 Create model views surface view and see your modeling work being done in your original 3D view at the same time. Press Esc to stop the macro. To return the work plane back to the origin: a. Repeat steps 1—2 to open the Applications list. Double-click the WorkPlaneGlobal macro. This allows you to pick along an edge to define the direction.

When you hover the mouse pointer over the part edges, a yellow arrow symbol is displayed to indicate the possible edges you can align the view to. The head of the arrow represents the positive direction of the x axis. The view will be rotated in this direction to form the flat horizontal edge of Set up the workspace 61 Create model views the view.

The origin of the view and work plane will be at the start of the arrow snap line. Pick the desired edge. Set up the workspace 62 Create model views Tekla Structures creates a new temporary view, and the selected edge forms the x axis of the view. You can model in the surface view and see your modeling work being done in your original 3D view at the same time. Repeat steps 2—3 to open the Applications list. Open a view You can have up to nine views on the screen at the same time. If you are unable to open a view, check how many views you already have open - you may need to close some of them first.

View list to open the Views dialog box. On the View tab, click Tekla Structures lists all invisible named views on the left, and all visible views on the right.

Select a view from the Named views list and click the right arrow to move it to the Visible views list. You can also double-click a view to open it. If the view does not appear, check how many views you already have open.

Set up the workspace 63 Create model views 3. To open multiple views, use the Shift and Ctrl keys when you select views from the list.

See also Save a view page 64 Switch between views page 65 Save a view If you need to re-open views later on, give each view a unique name. When you exit the model, Tekla Structures only saves the named views. Temporary views disappear when you close them. Before you start, create one or more views page 54 in the model.

Double-click the view to open the View Properties dialog box. Enter a unique name in the Name box. Temporary views have a default name in parentheses. Do not use parentheses when naming a view, or the view will not be saved for later use. NOTE In multi-user mode, it is very important to give views unique names. If several users have different views with the same name, the view settings of one user may accidentally override the settings of another user.

Click Modify. Tekla Structures will automatically save all named views when you close the model. Modify a view You can modify a view simply by double-clicking it. Modify the view properties. See also Move the view plane page 54 Set up the workspace 64 Create model views Delete a view You can permanently delete named views.

On the View tab, click View list to open the Views dialog box. Tekla Structures lists all invisible named views page 52 on the left, and all visible views on the right. Select the view you want to delete.

Click Delete. Tekla Structures deletes the view permanently. If the view was visible during the deletion, it will remain visible until you close it. To delete multiple views, use Shift or Ctrl when you select views from the list. Switch between views You can easily switch between all open views while modeling. You can also switch between the 3D mode and Plane mode, to examine the current view from different perspectives. The next open view becomes active.

Switch between 3D and plane view Use the Switch to 3D or plane command to examine the current view from different perspectives. Set up the workspace 65 Create model views Update and refresh views Use the Update Window and Redraw commands to refresh a single view or all views at once. Faster than redrawing. Redraw the current view Right-click the view and select Redraw View. Redraw all of the views On the View tab, click. See also Switch between views page 65 4. Objects outside the work area exist, but they are not visible.

You can shrink and expand the work area to suit particular situations, for example to concentrate on a particular area of the model. You can temporarily hide the work area box. Set up the workspace 66 Define the work area Fit work area to entire model You can resize the work area to include all model objects, either in all views or in selected views only. Fit work area to selected parts You can resize the work area to include only selected parts, either in all views or in selected views only.

Select the objects you want to include. Fit work area using two points You can resize the work area based on two corner points you pick on the view plane.

The depth of the work area is the same as the view depth. On the View tab, click Work area 2. Pick the first point. Pick the second point. Set up the workspace 67 and select Using two points. Define the work area Hide the work area box You can temporarily hide the work area box in a view. This can be useful, for example, when creating screenshots for presentations. Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys simultaneously.

The local coordinate system is also known as the work plane. Do not place the model far away from the origin. If you create model objects far away from the origin, snapping to points page 85 in the model views may become inaccurate. The further away from the origin you model, the less precise all computations become. Local coordinate system Work plane The work plane represents the local coordinate system. The work plane has its own grid, which can be used for positioning parts.

Most of the commands that are dependent on the coordinate system use work plane coordinates. For example creating points, part positioning, and copying always comply with the work plane coordinate system. The coordinate symbol, which is located in the lower right corner of the model view, follows the work plane. Set up the workspace 68 Coordinate system The work plane is model specific, so it is the same in all views.

The red work plane arrow symbol shows the xy plane. The z direction follows the right-hand rule. See also Show or hide the work plane grid page 69 Shift the work plane page 69 Change the color settings page 72 Show or hide the work plane grid The work plane grid is hidden by default.

Use the options on the Snapping toolbar to show or hide the work plane grid. To show the grid, select Work plane from the second list. To hide the grid, select View plane from the same list. See also Shift the work plane page 69 Set up the workspace 69 Coordinate system Shift the work plane You can set the work plane to any position by picking points or by selecting a plane.

This makes it easier to place parts accurately when modeling sloped parts. For example, you can shift the work plane to the slope of the roof to make it easier to model horizontal bracing and purlins in a sloped roof. Set work plane to any part plane Use the Workplane tool command to set the work plane to any part plane. Pick a point. Set work plane parallel to xyz plane You can set the work plane parallel to the xy, xz, or zy plane.

In the Plane list box, select the plane parallel to the work plane. Enter the depth coordinate. The depth coordinate defines the distance of the work plane from the global origin along a line perpendicular to the plane parallel to the third axis. Click Change. Set up the workspace 70 Coordinate system Set work plane using one point You can set the work plane using one picked point.

The work plane stays parallel to the current work plane, but moves it to a new position. The x and y directions are unchanged. On the View tab, click Workplane and select Using one point. Pick the new position of the work plane. Set work plane using two points You can set the work plane using two picked points.

The first point you pick is the origin, the second defines the x direction of the work plane. The y direction remains the same as the previous work plane. On the View tab, click Workplane and select Using two points. Pick the origin of the work plane. Pick a point in the work plane, in the positive x direction.

Set work plane using three points You can set the work plane using three picked points. The first point you pick is the origin, the second defines the x direction, and the third defines the y direction of the work plane. Tekla Structures fixes the z direction according to the right-hand rule. On the View tab, click Workplane and select Using three points. Pick the origin for the work plane. Pick a point in the positive x direction.

Pick a point in the positive y direction. Set up the workspace 71 Coordinate system Set work plane parallel to view plane You can set the work plane to be the same as the view plane of a selected view.

On the View tab, click Workplane and select Parallel to view plane. Select the view. Restore the default work plane Remember to change back to the default work plane when you have finished modeling sloped structures.

In the Plane list, select XY. In the Depth coordinate box, enter 0. For example, if you set the background color to black, you may need to adjust the other color settings as well to ensure that the text and dimensions will be visible.

Set up the workspace 72 Change the color settings Separate the values with spaces. Define the values on a scale of 0. For example, the RGB code for yellow is 1. Go to Tekla Warehouse. Download and install the Background Color Selector tool. Examples RGB color code Color 1. You can control the color of each corner of the background separately. To use the default background color, leave the boxes empty. Close and reopen the view to see the changes.

Examples Below are some examples of possible background colors that you can define. RGB values Result 1. Search for the color setting you want to change. Make sure the In all categories check box is selected. Define the color using RGB values.

You may be required to restart Tekla Structures. Set up the workspace 75 Change the color settings 5 Create, modify, and delete objects There are several ways to create, modify, and delete objects in Tekla Structures. Here we will introduce the way that is most useful for a first-time user. Run a command that creates an object.

For example, click 2. Pick points page 85 to place the object in the model. Tekla Structures creates the object using the current properties of the object type. Follow the status bar messages page 32 to get instructions on how to proceed. To create more objects with the same properties, pick more points. The command runs until you end it or start another command page Double-click the object to modify it.

The object properties dialog box opens. Change the properties as desired. To indicate which properties you want to change, select or clear the desired check boxes. For example, if you only want to change the object's material, select the Material check box and clear all the others. TIP 8. Click to switch all check boxes on or off.

Tekla Structures changes the properties whose check boxes you selected in step 7. Create, modify, and delete objects 76 Change the color settings 9. To delete an object, select it and press Delete. See also How to use the contextual toolbar page 33 Resize and reshape an object page 77 Save and load dialog box properties page 83 5.

When you select an object, Tekla Structures displays the handles and dimensions that are specific for that model object. Ensure that Direct modification is switched on. To switch direct modification on or off, click 2.

Click the object to select it. Create, modify, and delete objects 77 Resize and reshape an object Tekla Structures displays the handles that you can use to modify the object. Also the relevant dimensions are shown when you move the mouse pointer slowly over the object's edges. The dimension colors follow the colors of the work plane coordinate axes: red in the X direction, green in the Y direction, and blue in the Z direction. Diagonal dimensions are magenta.


Tekla structures 2017 user guide free


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